About Our Leaders


David Place, Advisor of Crew 270 started in scouting as a Cub Scout in Baltimore, MD and then Ithaca, NY where he earned his Arrow of Light. As a Boy Scout, first in Ithaca and then Ft. Devens, MA (Troop 2 – The Red Devils) he went on to earn Eagle Scout with a bronze palm (back in the days when it took 24 merit badges to earn Eagle and you had to earn Skill Awards) and his religious award, “Pro Deo Et Patria” from the Lutheran church. Also inducted into the “Order of the Arrow” as an ordeal member while First Class, he was inducted as a Brotherhood member as an Eagle Scout. While still in the Boy Scouts and for a number of years afterwards, he was a member and President of the Law Enforcement Explorer Post #1 of Ft. Devens also known as C.A.S.E., the Community Action Service Explorers. Among his notable trips as a youth was the West Point Military Academy Camp-o-ree and the 1973 National Jamboree at Moraine State Park, Pennsylvania.

As an adult, Mr. Place is fully trained in Boy Scouting and Venturing including having earned his beads for “Wood Badge” [I used to be a BEAR] training, the most advanced leadership training the BSA offers and his “Powder Horn” for completing the most advanced training the BSA offers in the way of “High Adventure”. Mr. Place also served as the chair for the District’s 2008, 2013 and 2015, 2018 Spring Camp-o-rees and again serves as the 2023 Spring “Field Day” chair.  He is also a member of the Corp of Discovery in Venturing.
In the past, Mr. Place has served in the following positions:
Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 270 – 2000 to 2005
Committee Member, Troop 270 – 2005 to 2015
District Chair, Catoctin Mountain District – 2014 & 2015
Committee Member, Pack 270  – 2010 to 2014
Committee Chair, Venturing Crew 270 – 2007 to 2009
Catoctin Mt. District Venturing Adult Training Chair 2009 to 2013
Catoctin Mt. District Venturing Roundtable Commissioner – 2009 to 2013
National Capital Area Council’s Executive Board – 2014 & 2015
Den Leader, Pack 270, Thurmont, MD – 2014 to 2015
Catoctin Mountain District Day Camp Director – 2016
Currently, Mr. Place serves in the following capacities in scouting;
Advisor, Crew 270, where he has been awarded the Unit Leader Award of Merit – 2009 to Present
Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop 270 – 2016 to Present
Assistant Cubmaster, Troop 270, 2020 to Present
Merit Badge Counselor for 19 merit badges – 2000 to Present
National Capital Area Council’s Shooting Sports Committee – 2011 to 2014, 2021 to Present
He has earned the following awards as an adult; The Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing Training Awards, The Unit Leader’s Award of Merit: Venturing, the District and Venturing Committee Key, the William D. Boyce award and the District Award of Merit.
Besides being active in Scouting, Mr. Place is also involved in the following;
 – Member, Thurmont Community Ambulance Service, Inc., Company #30
 – Member, Board of Directors, Thurmont Conservation and Sportsman’s Club
 – Member, Sons of the American Legion
 – NRA Chief Range Safety Officer
 – NRA CCW, Rifle & Pistol Instructor
 – Maryland Firearms Education and Hunter Safety Instructor, DNR
 – Maryland Handgun Qualification License (HQL) Instructor, MSP


Julie Bostian, Committee Chair of Crew 270, started in scouting as a Girl Scout (gasp!) in San Francisco, CA.  She stayed with the program through moves to San Antonio, TX and Frederick, MD and earned her Gold award in 1981.
In 2002, Mrs. Bostian enrolled her sons in the Cub Scouting program in Thurmont, MD.  She thought she’d enjoy the program along with them, and be able to share a bit of her hard won Girl Scout knowledge.  A few months later, after being assured that she would only need to find one hour a week in her schedule, Mrs. Bostian officially joined Boy Scouts.  She is now a fully trained Cub Scout leader, Boy Scout leader and Venturing leader.  She is a Vigil member of the Order of the Arrow (serving as chef at many Ordeals) and a member of the Corp of Discovery.  Mrs. Bostian has earned her very foxy Wood Badge beads, having completed the most advanced adult leadership training the BSA offers in 2016.  Notable moments include accompaning Philmont crews in 2012 and 2014 on 25-day/20-state mega-trips (with 12-day/100-mile treks thrown in for fun), serving on five district camp-o-ree committees, surviving multiple Venturing outings to the amusement parks of Wildwood, NJ and most recently taking on the new adventures of a Lion den.
Currently, Mrs. Bostian serves in the following capacities in scouting;
Committee Chair, Crew 270 – 2012 to Present
Committee Chair, Troop 270 – 2010 to Present
Lion Guide, Pack 270, Thurmont, MD – 2016 to Present
Committee Member at Large, Catoctin Mountain District – 2016 to Present
Merit Badge Counselor – Cooking, Camping and Textiles – 2007 to Present
In the past Mrs. Bostian has served in the following positions:
Den Leader, Pack 270 – 2002 to 2006
Committee Member, Troop 270 – 2006 to 2010
Unit Commissioner, Catoctin Mountain District – 2006 to 2008
Program Chair, Catoctin Mountain District – 2014 to 2016
Catoctin Mountain District Daycamp Instructor – 2016
She has earned the following awards as an adult; The Boy Scout and Venturing Training Awards and Presidential Volunteer Service Award – Gold Level in 2015 and 2016.
Besides being active in Scouting, Mrs. Bostian is an avid outdoor enthusiast.  She enjoys camping (tent, rv, cabin, hotel), hiking, fishing and gourmet cooking in the woods.